In collaboration with UNICEF’s photo editor, Kristin launched and wrote content for Photography and social change, a collection of photo essays on UNICEF’s Medium channel. Her photo essay “Empowering women” (read it below), which kicked off the publication, quickly became UNICEF’s best-performing Medium piece to date, earned 7,500 likes and 1,000 shares on UNICEF’s global Facebook page, and garnered more than 200 retweets on UNICEF’s global Twitter page, contributing to significant spikes in traffic on those platforms for International Women’s Day 2015.


The making of a president: Abu’s election journey

Empowering women: UNICEF celebrates International Women’s Day

Making the invisible visible: Ending violence against children

After the quake: Nepal’s first steps to recovery

Including Usher: One boy’s experience living with a disability

Haiti’s Border Children

Progress for children: The past 15 years — and what remains to be done

#WaterIs a family affair: Access and usage across continents

In search of hopE: Risking it all to flee conflict and hardship